Heal from within

a lasting return to greater health

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy enables you to build resources for coping with daily life stressors and achieve a sense of calm within your nervous system. This gentle, light-touch, whole-body therapy works in partnership with your body’s intelligence providing a holistic movement towards greater health.

What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy?

listening to the body in detail activates inner wisdom and healing

Derived from the work of osteopathic physician Dr William Sutherland who focused on the cranial bones over 100 years ago and further developed in the 1970s, BCST is founded on the idea that the body is capable of self-healing when enough resources are present. After Sutherlands’ early investigations into BCST, Dr Upledger developed the therapy further to include whole-body systems. He described BCST as:

a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the function of the physiological body system called the craniosacral system—compromised of the membranes and the cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and the spinal cord.

Gentle, non-invasive therapy

a profound form of healing

The beauty of this therapy is its simplicity. You will usually lie on a treatment table fully clothed with the option of a blanket so you are warm and comfortable. The session is all about you and is led by your body system. During our initial consultation, we will briefly discuss your medical history, including what brought you to the clinic.

We’ll discuss safe touch (minimal gentle touch is made with key points on the body such as feet, head, and hands) required for treatment, and I’ll help you focus your attention on your body’s subtle communication.

A BCST treatment provides an environment for you and me to listen in the stillness to what your body is telling you. I help you relax and release stress to regulate your nervous system. By supporting your body to re-organise areas that are out of balance and resolving disruptions in parts of your system, the possibility for fundamental positive change emerges. BCST creates a safe space for traumatic experiences to arise and resolve smoothly without being overwhelming or re-stimulating, clearing the way for the potential of a lasting return to greater health.


Mental and physical healing

for a better quality of life

You might be used to pushing those niggling issues to the back of your mind, but they still affect your overall health. Unresolved stress in the body and mind can develop into more serious conditions, so it is essential to de-stress. Learning to let go of stress will help you experience greater quality of life.

BCST allows the body to restore its ‘original health’ by bringing all the body systems back into a greater sense of balance and wholeness. Often clients report a sense of well-being and clarity after a session and reduced pain and restriction.

BSCT can help you with the following:

  • Joint and muscle pain and inflammation or discomfort

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Back and neck problems

  • Sleep, fatigue and concentration problems

  • Gut health

  • Post-injury/surgery healing

  • Menstrual health

  • Respiratory issues

  • Anxiety & stress management

As well as relieving any physical symptoms such as inflammation, tension and pain, you may gain a greater sense of self and a beautiful connection to everything around you in your own comfortable space in the world.


Initial Consult $100 + GST ($115)

Follow-up Session $90 + GST ($105)