Press Pause Podcast

The Press Pause Podcast came about when Katrina and Laurent were chatting one day about all things self-care and came up with the idea of sharing these conversations. With years of experience around self-care, health, and wellness they both had the vision to create a ripple effect to support more people to slow down and press pause each day for themselves. To become more present, connected, and resourced to what their self-care journey looks like, providing some tools and gentle reminders to help build great practices for long-term results.

Their goal is to share their love of what they do, keep it fun and easy, and inspire people to let go of the struggles around taking time each day for themselves. We are two friends chatting over a cup of cacao and spreading the love of self-care and invite anyone who would like to pull up a chair to join us.

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Meet your Hosts

Katrina Fovakis

Katrina is the founder of Optimal Health & Self-care and has years of knowledge working with individuals and groups to optimise health and wellness. As a Personal Trainer, Naturopath, Massage Therapist, and Craniosacral Therapist, Katrina loves supporting people to connect with their own uniqueness, and what their bodies need to simply feel better.

Laurent Dunningham

Laurent is a Health Coach and director of Grasses for Life NZ. She has a wealth of knowledge to share from a holistic upbringing and a creative background in dance, singing, and poetry. Laurent is passionate about helping people become their own healers at home and supporting their journey to live a more balanced life.

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