Ep 36: Power Of Acceptance

Join us today as we chat about the power of acceptance.

How we relate to situations in life and how we accept the things that happen or are happening around us is an important part of self-care and self-love. Some things are out of our control and learning the power of accepting what is and not allowing it to have a strong hold over us allows more ease to show in our system and in our life.

Seeing circumstances for what they are and not allowing it to become bigger than us plays a big role in our health journey and long term results.

Learning skills and having an awareness around claiming power back and accepting things that are happening helps to unhook ourselves from getting drawn into a space that isn't allowing us to move forward.

We would love you to join us to bring more awareness around areas in your life that you can claim back some power by accepting what is.

Come and join us as we share our personal stories and some tools that we know can support your self-care journey.
You can connect with us via our websites or social media platforms. 
Feel free to get in touch, share your thoughts and feedback, or ask any questions you have.

Katrina  -  katrina@katrinafovakis.com
Lauren  -  grassesoflifenz@gmail.com


Ep 37: Stress


Ep 35: Growth Mindset