Ep 33: Life Seasons

In this episode we discuss the seasons of life and how our self care is affected by what might may be happening around and or within us. 

We are always in a season, the important thing to remember is to be aware of it so you can make the most of it and use it to your advantage.
It's important to not over think this and compare yourself to others, but tune in to your body and timeline in order for you to honour it as an opportunity for growth.

There are so many seasons of life that we get to experience, we encourage you to enquire what season you may be in so you don't beat yourself up if your self care takes a step back or feel guilty if you start prioritising more self care as a response.
Seasons are unique and so should be your response to them. Not paying attention to them could result in burn out or a feeling of imbalance and dis ease.

We hope you take away a personal insight into not just doing what you have to get done in life, but adapting to the bigger picture of your own personal needs and desires to make room for life and it's beautiful seasonal changes. 

Come and join us as we share our personal stories and some tools that we know can support your self-care journey.
You can connect with us via our websites or social media platforms. 
Feel free to get in touch, share your thoughts and feedback, or ask any questions you have.

Katrina  -  katrina@katrinafovakis.com
Lauren  -  grassesoflifenz@gmail.com


Ep 34: Earth Seasons


Ep 32: Senses